Wednesday, 9 June 2010


I spent yesterday at our 'new' house decorating and completely exhausted myself. It was good to be back in the office today. Updating website pages was a lot less tiring. Some time we'll have to tackle the garden which appears to have been neglected by the tenant we had over winter.

For a collection of links on Haus und Garten go to There is a bit of a bias towards building but a reasonable amount of less demanding DIY and interior decorating. Following through a link for the magazine "House and More" - yes, the site is in German - led me to 25 Sparideen - interesting and also downloadable as a PDF file if you wish.

Sunday, 6 June 2010


Thursday last week was Corpus Christi, a feast of the Roman Catholic Church giving thanks for the sacrament of Holy Communion. In Germany and Austria it is marked by processions in traditional costume (Tracht) - in some places the processions are on water and, in the Brixen valley, on horse back.

I have often managed to be in Austria at the time of these processions - unfortunately the last time was two years ago. Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) ist ein Fest zur Verehrung des Heiligen Abendmahls und wird am zweiten Donnerstag nach Pfingsten mit Prozessionen begangen. 2008 sah ich die Prozession in St. Johann in Tirol. Es gab viele schöne Trachten.

Mehr von meiner Bildern

Fronleichnam in Wikipedia

Der Brixentaler Antlassritt ist eine Prozession zu Pferd am Fronleichnamstag.

Antlassritt in Wikipedia

Bilder von Antlassritt