Tuesday afternoon our conversation class will be talking about music. I think most of us are interested in classical and choral music. I don't think we know much about pop music in Britain nevermind in Germany. I've tried to take a look at what is popular at the moment and also to listen to the music of Lena Meyer-Landrut who will be representing Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest in Germany. Musiksuche.de is worth a visit as you can listen to samplers from the Musicload Single Charts - eine Probe anhören. The site also gives the ability to search for lyrics and to download midi files.
A useful listing for music links (pop and classical) can be found on the Musik page of internetbibliothek.de
The music industry's attitude to file sharing and downloads is a matter of current controversy. Proposals for a Kulturflatrate have not gone down well with the music industry in Germany. They came up with 10 Thesen der Musikindustrie gegen die Kulturflatrate and these, together with various responses, can be found in